
The Spring Fair is our largest fundraiser of the year and all proceeds go directly back to our school community.  This event benefits ALL of our children and pays for Artist In Residence, School Assemblies, new laptops, balls and jump ropes for recess and so much more.  It seems only fitting that we should have a wide base of support from our parent community.  This is a weekend day event so hopefully most folks can find an hour or two to contribute to our school.  Bring your family over and pick up a shift or two in one of the game or activity rooms (it does NOT need to coincide with your child(ren)’s classroom).  Our school is special BECAUSE we run on the energy of our community!  PLEASE support this event and the PTO this week!   Thank you!!

Attached below are direct links to the SignUp sheets coordinating our wonderful volunteers.  (If the links below do not appear active, please copy and paste into your browser.)

Parent Volunteer SignUp Genius:

LINCS Volunteer SignUp Genius:

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